Use "notate|notated|notates|notating" in a sentence

1. The long Appoggiatura, notated without the cross stroke, derives its value

2. Undoctored notate phenanthrene Anomphalous fleyedly awn HAC crassis unconverging

3. This type of chord should be notated as such.

4. I can notate the way it slithers back and forth from tail to head.

5. When occurring by itself, a single grace note indicates either an Acciaccatura when notated with an oblique stroke through the stem, or an appoggiatura when notated without.

6. The term dilute phase notates a higher ratio of air to product mix during Conveying

7. The Cardinality of the set A is often notated as A or n(A)

8. 8va stand for coll'ottava, meaning "play the notes in the passage together with the notes in the notated octaves".

9. Indicate a shorter duration than notated, and include Articulations such as staccatissimo, staccato, tenuto, and staccato-tenuto

10. The purpose of the key signature is to minimize the number of such accidentals required to notate the music.

11. In choral music, improvisation is traditionally linked to specific arenas: scat-singing, Gospel solos, harmonizing folk songs, and Aleatoric sections of notated repertoire

12. Now the impulse to notate, or, more exactly I should say, encode music has been with us for a very long time.

13. This phoneme /ṽ/ appears to be common to both Common Brittonic and Old Irish, and shows the difficulties that the contemporary scribes for Old Irish had with notating nasalisation

14. If all four Castlings are still legal, Shredder-FEN notates that as BGbg (or BbGg, any sequence is fine); because those are the start columns of all rooks that are still able to participate in castling

15. An Acciaccatura is a close cousin of the appoggiatura, featuring an auxiliary note (notated as a grace note with an oblique stroke through the stem) that leads into a main note

16. Coulombul (pronunție: /kulomb/; simbol: C) este unitatea derivată în Sistemul internațional de unități de măsură, SI, pentru sarcini electrice, numită astfel după Charles-Augustin de Coulomb.Sarcinile (încărcările) electrice sunt notate în formule cu Q sau q.

17. Larger ensembles have generally had greater requirements for notated Arrangements, though the early Count Basie big band is known for its many head Arrangements, so called because they were worked out by the players themselves, memorized ("in the player's head

18. Acciaccatura DEFINITION A short grace note, typically notated with a slash through the stem or flag that is a non-harmonic note sounded at the same time as the primary harmonic note or notes and either quickly resolves to the main note or is immediately released

19. Acciaccatura at-chea-ka-TOO-rah [Italian] A short grace note, typically notated with a slash through the stem or flag that is a non-harmonic note sounded at the same time as the primary harmonic note or notes and either quickly resolves to the main note or is immediately released

20. ‘Furthermore, a comparison of the way in which Crotchets and quavers are notated makes it likely that the same scribe copied both works.’ ‘An F# major mode is set out in a layered contrapuntal texture, piccolo and violins marking the fast crotchet beat while glockenspiel, celesta and sampler cut across this with triplet rhythms and a few

21. Aliturgic De ce este oprită săvârșirea Sfintei Liturghii în zilele de miercuri și vineri din Săptămâna brânzei? Cei care ați consultat în această perioadă calendarul bisericesc, poate ați observat că zilele de miercuri și vineri din Săptămâna brânzei (sau Săptămâna albă) sunt notate ca fiind zile Aliturgice.